Monday 22 June 2020


Introduction To This Journal Part 1

This is a template for an online journal to be used by ECA Animation students. The purpose in provodong a template is to make clear to students what the base level of information we require each week is. At the moment new journals will be boringly, but usefully similar in layout. Once base levels of information have been established we fully expect to see greater individualism shown in nature, if not quantity of content and presentation.

The format of these journals (blogs) uses "labels" to organise posts. Posts can be entered from any page, or directly from the blog editor, it is also possible to mail entries to the blog. Posts will appear on the frot page in the order in which they are published, using the section tabs across the top of the area where posts appear, or the labels widget at screen right will take you to a filtered view showing only the posts with the label selected.

This becomes a more powerful tool for organisation when you realise that new labels can be added very easily, and that each post can have more than one label. Labels are created and edited in the post editor.

Content can be quite media rich, images both still and moving are possible, as is embedded HTML code...

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